Principal Teja Singh describes what the value of an intense relationship between Guru and Sikh results:
A Sikh, a pure-hearted Sikh, who follows the teachings of his Guru is a great power in himself; but when such a Sikh gets into himself the dynamic personality of such a perfect exemplar as Guru Gobind Singh, his powers acquire an infinite reach and he becomes a super-man. He is called Khalsa, the personification of the Guru himself. “The Khalsa” says the Guru, “is my other self’ in him I live and have my being.” A single Sikh, a mere believer, is only one; but the equation changes when he takes Guru Gobind Singh into his embrace. He becomes equal to ‘one lakh and a quarter,’ in the Sikh parlance. This change occurs not only in his physical fitness, but also in his mental and spiritual outlook. His nature is so reinforced in every way that although hundreds may fall round him, he will resist to the last and never give way. Wherever he stands, he will stand as ‘a garrison of the Lord of Hosts,’ a host in himself - a host of one lakh and a quarter. He will keep the Guru’s flag always flying. Whenever tempted, he will ask himself, “Can I lower the flag of Guru Gobind Singh? Can I desert it? I, as Budh Singh or Kahan Singh, can fall; but can Guru Gobind Singh in me fall? No, never.” - Outline of Sikh Doctrines, Principal Teja Singh
On this day, let us make the pledge that we will not let our internal and external image of the Guru fall. Let us realize the importance of Vaisakhi day of 1699 CE. It was the inauguration of the Khalsa. Some (even our revered writers) call it the "Creation" of the Khalsa. An inauguration is the opening of something that took preparation and time. It took a total of 200 years (1499 to 1699) for the development of the community to reach a level that the Sovereignty of Divine Wisdom could be bestowed upon them. And that is exactly what was manifest by Nanak X - the Plume Adorned True Sovereign, the Rider of the Blue Steed, the Holder of the Royal White Hawk - kalgidhar sace patshah, nila ghora vale, citian bajan vale.
As Harinder Singh mentioned - on this day Sikhs remember the Divine awesomeness - vismad - because the Khalsa is the embodiment of the Divine:
Amrit, (sometimes incorrectly mentioned as Sikh baptism) made, the basis of this holy organization. There was no room left for any wavering on the border-line. All who wanted to serve humanity through Sikhism must join it seriously as regular members, and receive its Amrit as the initial step. All must have the same creed, which should be well-defined and should not be confused with the belief and practices of the neighboring religions. - Principal Teja SinghCongratulations and celebrate the Divine in the unique Sikh way.
jagat jot japai nis basur...
One who keeps alight the unquenchable torch of truth, and never swerves from the thought of one Vahiguru;
One who has full love and confidence in Vahiguru, and does no put faith, even by mistake, in fasting or the graves of Muslim saints, Hindu crematoriums, of Jogis’, places of sepulcher;
One who only recognizes the one Divine and no pilgrimages, non-destruction of life, penances, or austerities;
And in whose heart the light of the Perfect Once shines,-- that one is to be recognized as a pure member of the Khalsa.